Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I noticed something about myself yesterday. I move alot slower than I used to. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised but for some reason I AM. Yesterday I spent the entire day cleaning out my closet. I mean, it was bad but it wasn't ALL DAY bad.
Since I had back surgery in November I haven't really taken on a big project like this. I put it off before because I was in pain for six months so it was long overdue. I pulled everything out and put a bunch of stuff in bags for the thrift store. By the time I finished it was dinner time. I only had a few distractions, picking up Lissy from school, driving Ariel to tennis, laundry, cats and dog wanting in and out, quick trip to the pharmacy, Fred's (for cat food!) and then picking up at dance. I should have had plenty of time but the fact that I move slower than I used to made the endeavor much more agonizing. I LOVE organization but it doesn't love me! I am writing this and looking into my organized closet right now but it is taunting will be messy again soon dispite my best intentions. I dream of getting everything clean and in order all at one time but it never seems to happen. I honestly don't know how anyone does it without being neurotic. I am neurotic about enough house can't join that list.
I am forever buying the home magizines that claim complete organization in five easy steps or one hour, they always leave me disappointed. I have a feeling it would take me a long time to get my messy life organized especially at the rate I'm going.
Of course I'm always up for suggestions.

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