Friday, January 15, 2010

Help for Haiti

I made the comment this morning that I was still tired. I have a sinus infection but haven't been to the doctor, my head hurts and I didn't sleep well. I am not a morning person so I am usually grumpy anyway but as soon as I made the "tired" comment I regretted it. As soon as I got all my kids out the door to school and settled my four year old down in front of PBS I turned on the TV in my bedroom. There on the screen was the picture of reality for several million people in Haiti this morning. They dare not complain of a headache. They have no one to tell if they are tired from sleeping with one eye open from fear..and on the hard ground.
Shame on me for complaining. Shame on me for thinking about myself. In the broad scheme of things my discomfort is nothing! Even the pain I have experienced recently pales in comparison to the woman I saw yesterday in Haiti who lost all five of her children in the earthquake. She collapsed from grief, I can only imagine.
I cannot fathom the pain of losing a single child much less FIVE. God bless her as she wakes up this morning, if she slept at do you comfort someone in pain like that? Only God can give her peace. I pray she knows him.
I have to ask myself what I am being called to do.
My son Matthan has heard a direct call from God to send money to Samaritan's Purse, a ministry already in Haiti. He is also wanting to get in contact with an orphanage there we know about. He really wants to go there. He wants to make a difference to as many people as he can. He doesn't want attention for his work but his teachers have put him in the spotlight. He'll handle it well. He has a very mature understanding of how it's really not about him. It's about God and the people in need.
It doesn't matter to me what these people's ancestors did. Blaming them for this earthquake makes no more sense than blaming me for anything my great grandparents X however many generations go back two hundred years might have done. We don't know what happened with the witchdoctors or satanist...the fact is there was a terrible earthquake.
God is giving his believers an opportunity. Haiti may have been "sold to the devil" in generations past but today we Christian's have a unique opportunity to buy it back for Jesus! They need help. They need basics-water, food, shelter, clothing. They also need the compassion and grace, mercy and love of the God we cling to as Americans. I have joined Matthan's group on facebook, you can too. I am listening to what God may tell me to do to get his word into Haiti. I am not too tired to do what ever he has for me to do.

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