Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I have been suffering with a degenerative disk for about five months now. I kept thinking it was just a flare up and would settle down after a while. I finally went to the Herrings who have kept me going with similar problems in the past. This time was the exception. After a month it was worse, much worse. On Tuesday I went in hoping to talk to the MD but he was booked and I came home crying.He did call me later and faxed in some prescriptions. They helped some but buy the next day it was unbearable again. My friend Lisa Smith told me she was coming over here first thing the next morning to take me the ER. I agreed, I couldn't get any worse and I certainly was not getting better. So we went. I have to say the ER is a much more fun place with someone who is as zany as I am. We talked about out impossible "mommy" schedules and the fact we've been planning on getting together to just go somewhere for coffee for over a year and haven't done anything of the, instead of coffee we went to Target and she went in and got us popcorn and coke...I loved it. Who needs fancy pastries and $5 coffee?
I love my friends, Lisa isn't an old fri(yet) but she's valued beyond measure and since I'm speaking of friends.

Kelly Cox brought us a wonderful meal last night. I had gotten up stumbling around in the kitchen trying to focus enough to check out the frig. Micah(darling)told me not to worry, Kelly Cox was due any minute with Lasagna, salad and the works, which included one of the best pies ever put on a fork. I haven't checked but I'm sure there's nary a drop of any of it left.
Of course Ellen has been here everyday, bringing food, treats, helping out with the girls. And I don't know what I would have done without Micah. She has just been the little mama. Everything from dressing the girls for school, cooking hamburger meat (which no pregnant woman wants to do), to grocery shopping, tutoring, keeping the house from turning into a real pit She even laid down the Queen's law with the big boys about picking up after themselves and not being noisy in the house, (they just took the electric instruments outside but it was helpful) I am so thankful that she's here.
Then there are the silent warriors,my "dogs of peace" who are out there doing their day to day stuff and see someone rubbing their backs in a grocery line of watches someone struggle to get out of a chair and think of me and say a prayer...I so appreciate each and every one of them more than they can know.
I am blessed with so many friends. I treasure you all.

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