This morning on the way to school, as we were leaving our driveway we saw that the crane that loves to sit on the bank of the pond was caught in a fishing line. The line was left there this summer by someone fishing. I hadn't really paid much attention to it but when I saw the crane I thought maybe someone should have gotten it out of the tree...that someone probably was me but I don't have tons of time to think about the pond or things hanging over it. Anyway, the poor bird was caught at near the tip of one wing, the line had obviously wrapped around it and tightened so he couldn't pull it loose. I felt so sorry for him but Lissy was beside her self. She kept asking me what I was going to do for "Bob", that's what I started calling him because he is a Crane and the only famous crane I could remember was an actor named Bob. Lissy kept saying "poor little guy, we have to help him". It was so cute to see her concern! She even suggested that we call somebody! I didn't know anyone to call at 7:30am to rescue a giant prehistoric looking bird! We got back from taking the older girls to school and he was still standing there waving his wing at us...Lissy wailed, "Mama, we have to help the little guy" again. I called our neighbor Trip who seems to be something of a nature lover himself...I know for a fact he threatened to call the proper authorities to some mean boys in the neighborhood for trying to shoot our owls, why would anyone want to shoot an owl? Okay, sorry, need to focus....he said he would come out and see what he could do...then from the front porch Lissy "directed" Trip...she told him to "get something at yours house and cut Bob's wing loose", and she asked "are you gonna hep him Mssr Trip?" "He is stuck in the fish line, poor lil guy" I was trying to get myself together so I could be out the door for an appointment in just a few minutes so I was listening.I seriously doubt he could hear her but she directed just the same. She cheered when Trip cut him loose. She yelled "Mom, Mssr Trip got him! He got him!" She was so appreciative and excited. I think she really felt empathy for the bird, this is a sweet and wonderful emotion for a four year old. I am so thankful for her kind spirit.
After thought....Matthan felt terrible that he couldn't help Bob before school but he was running late as is his habit. He said he really felt bad when he saw a baby crane there with Bob, perhaps we should change "his" name to Babette.
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