Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I just don't know what to make of this. I have had many years experience with children, I know enough not to say I'm an expert...I think there are very few of those. Children are not as predictable as we grown ups think. I believe my little Lissy is a great example of this unpredictablity theory.
We started out okay today but quickly went down hill. There was no battle about clothes, shoes or hair. She brushed her teeth without complaint, but when it was time to go to school she bristled. She wanted to take her "bloony", a latex balloon she got last night a Chik-fil-a. She also got a little red basketball, which would have been appropriate for "show and tell". She had a meltdown because we wouldn't let her take the balloon. She left in a bad mood and according to her teacher went on to throw a fit at school, kicking, screaming, all the normal characteristics of her fits of rage. This time there didn't seem to be a cause.
We got home a few minutes ago and she greeted her balloon (now on the floor) as if it were a long lost friend. Then she realized something had changed...her balloon was not reaching for the sky like it had this morning. This made her angry! She started calling the balloon "stupid" and fussing at it to stay up in the air and not fall down. It was like watching a scary science fiction movie, there were no tears...so I'm guessing she was just mad but it was intense!! I was very glad not to be a balloon. She finally got so mad at it that she reached in the drawer and pulled out a pair of scissors and popped the useless thing...She then picked it up...walked to the trashcan and dropped it in. Not another word. Weird huh?
I can only imagine what she'll do next, she keeps me guessing and on my toes.

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