Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mercy sakes! Ariel is wailing inside...she has a big fat "F" in math. I happen to hate math too but my mother did me a favor and made me practice multiplication and division at the kitchen table until I could at least do that much. I told Ariel to write out her multiplication facts in columns.She asked me why she had to. I asked her why she had an "F" in math, she said she didn't have time to finish her work. Her teacher told me months ago that if she didn't finsh her work she could do it for homework. Ariel never has least that's what she tells me. I haven't been getting weekly reports for a while. I'm starting to wonder if she is signing my name herself and forgetting to show it to me. I am very frustrated with her right now...ADD is a lack of focus, yes but it is not an excuse to lie and say you don't have homework or schoolwork for that matter.
I got Ariel started on her multiplication facts at 3:00, told her she had to write them all out 1-10. She has been trying to avoid it the entire time...she just handed me is 5:36. She has missed the first day with the new pool. If she had just gotten going on it she could have gone into hyper-focus mode and finished by 3:30. Instead she went into "poor pitiful me" mode and is still working..thankfully the wailing ended about an hour ago.

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain.......Isaac is the KING of playing the victim. It seems there is always a disadvantage stacked against him that prevents him from doing homework. For a while, (a long while) it was being half starved to death - which I didn't really catch onto as quickly as one would think. (hence his HEFTY size)
